yes I guess you can call it New Years resolutions if you like, but I prefer to call it promises and yes I have made a few!
One being that I promise to keep my body in better shape....somehow over the past year and a half I have neglected to keep my body fit and I'm thinking i really don't like how I look and feel. So yes it is a promise to exercise in some way 5 days a week.

I also made a UFO List to send to our guild and I have made a promise to tackle one of those projects weekly. Check out my side bar....I will put them up there
Our guild president challenged us all to send a list into her by the end of January and each month meeting at show & tell if we have something that we have stroked off our UFO list our name goes into a draw for a $250.00 gift certificate at one one our local quilt shops. Now is that encouragement or what??? I have 21 items on my list.....hmmmm, I wonder how many times my name will be entered in for the draw? I will keep you posted...