Don't you just want to squeeze her???
I love the giggles that I captured here in the tub that nite!

All week I have been waiting to get pictures of the grandchildren in the tub. But it hasn't happened and I only have one more night! While out in Medicine Hat at our son's family I had planned ahead and taken pictures of the girls because I knew I wanted to make a collage of pictures with bathtub photo's to put on the new walls in the bathroom! It's looking like I might not get those pictures this time around. I did manage to get one picture of little Kohen in the tub, but that was it! So I'm posting pictures anyway, but they are not on the walls of the bathroom yet. We had a wonderful week together, and I feel so blessed.... the only thing that could make it better is that all of them would be here together.
We did have that in March when the babies were born, but already it seems so long ago!