Well ladies...this is what I have been working on since arriving home from Arizona on April 12th...thought maybe I would be out in my yard doing some spring cleaning but that is a long way off! but, that's OK. I really want to get this project completed and I guess this is the time for it. I had a stack of purples in my stash and a girlfriend that carries the same colours in her living room...so yes you have guessed it. My stash is slowly becoming a quilt for her 70th birthday and 50th anniversary that I must say has passed, but like the saying goes, "better late than never".

It is starting to come together but taking awhile. For some silly reason I thought it would even be extra special if I designed it myself. My sister this past fall got me hooked on Carrie's schnibbles, and yes I fell for hook line and sinker, but I must say I love her patterns. Anyway I had some favorites that just seemed to represent my friend and I. I will tell you a bit more about it when I get the top completed(which of course is taking me extra long because I have to calculate every block and strip and piece myself and a mathematician I am not!!
Hopefully before the days end I will have a top to show you....